Oh, and I have already started figuring out the 10 course meals I'm going to have to cook over the summer to catch myself up.
Anyways, on to the recipe...
Day 102: Recipe 20
I've linked to Kayotic a few times, because I'm (a) in love with her recipes, and (b) in love with her pictures. This is one of her newest recipes, and it looked amazing and perfect for Easter, so I figured I'd give it a shot!
Egg Pie (from Kayotic)
serves 2
2 puff pastry sheet
3 slices ham
1 small tomato
2 egg
Preheat your oven to 400.
Get a baking dish that is the appropriate size for however many you're planning on making - we made two, and put the pastry puffs down. Thinly slice a tomato and lay the slices on the pastry puff - the thicker the slices, the soggier the puff will get, so keep them thin.
Then put the cheese on top - we had a few different kinds, so we put some Parmesan, mozzarella, and cheddar. Sprinkle some salt, pepper, and chives on the cheese. We actually didn't put any salt, and I didn't miss it at all (though I'm usually a salt-lover).
Thin ham would work best for this, but we went with what was cheapest, so we cut it into strips and made two "wells" to keep the egg from running everywhere. As you can tell from the pictures, we didn't do that good a job at the wells, one slipped right out, which doesn't affect the taste, but makes it less pretty.
Will's not a fan of runny yolk, so we popped his, but we kept mine while. Sprinkle more salt, pepper, and chives on top of that, and then stick it in the oven.
To minimize runnyness, we cooked ours for around 27 minutes - it was a little overcooked for my tastes, but Will thought it was good. Ahh, the sacrifices we make for marriage. 20-25 minutes would probably have been just about right for me, but it still worked at 27.
Chow down!

Survey says...
We loved it! Next time Will would want his completely scrambled, not just yolk popped, but aside from that, it was just about right. I might also try it with thin ham, or maybe bacon! Bacon might be too strong a taste, but I think I'm okay with that, if it means we get bacon!
Totally making this again, and it was an easy but very fancy-looking dish.
Will doesn't like a runny egg? LAME! Runny eggs are freakin' delicious; on top of burgers, poached in eggs benedict, fried and then put on top of asparagus, fried and then put on top of toast and boiled kale, cracked and mixed into hot noodles for a delicious carbonara. I could really go on forever about how a runny egg makes basically everything better.